Thursday 4th of May 2017 - 2pm - Maroni room / MHT
Thursday 4th of May 2017 - 2pm - Maroni room / MHT
Tuesday 11th of April at 6:30pm - café du Quai des Savoirs
On Friday 31st of March at 9:30am - Maison de la Recherche et de la Valorisation / Amphithéatre
Monday 20th of March 2017 - 2pm - Maroni room / MHT
Monday 20th of February 2017 - 2pm - Maroni room / MHT
Friday 20th of January - 11am - ITAV
Simon Harrisson from the P3R team was involved in the research work recently published as:
Monday 28th of November 2016 - 2pm - Maroni room / MHT