Monday 8th October 2018 - 2pm - Maroni room / MHT
Monday 17th September 2018 - 2 pm - Maroni room / MHT
Organised each year since 2010, alternately in France and in Czech Republic, this meeting offers the opportunity to discuss, initiate or continue c
Wednesday 27th of June 2018 - 2pm - Maroni room / MHT
Toulouse was chosen to host the 8th edition of ESOF (EuroScience Open Forum), the biggest meeting on Science and innovation in Europe, in July 201
Contrairement aux microplastiques qui se concentrent dans la couche supérieure des océans, les fragments nanométriques se retrouvent dans toute la
Monday 28th of May 2018 - 2pm - Maroni room / MHT
A multidisciplinary team of researchers from the laboratories IMRCP, ToNIC and