Our work on the front cover of Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics

Simon Harrisson from the P3R team was involved in the research work recently published as:
Phosphorus-Containing Gradient (Block) Copolymers via RAFT Polymerization and Postpolymerization Modification
Macromol. Chem. Phys., 2016, 217, 2310-2320
Sykes, K.J. ; Harrisson, S. ; Keddie, D.J.
RAFT copolymerization of styrene and 4-(diphenylphosphino)styrene is explored to establish the statistical distribution of the phosphine-functional monomer within the copolymer. RAFT copolymerization provides phosphine-functional copolymers of low dispersity. Estimation of reactivity ratios indicates DPPS has a strong tendency to homopolymerize while St preferentially copolymerizes with DPPS. Block copolymers as well as polymeric phosphine oxides and phosphonium salts are also prepared.