Simon Harrisson is identified as a "Pioneering Investigator" by the journal Polymer Chemistry

The journal has just published its special issue titled "Pioneering Investigators 2017" which highlights the work of mid-career investigators who have firmly established themselves in the field of polymer chemistry and continuously publish creative, innovative work. They have pioneered and enriched several research areas.

Among them, Simon Harrisson, researcher from the P3R team, has been selected for his work in developing innovative ‘one-pot’ amphiphilic gradient copolymers.

To read more about his recent research:
Thermosensitive spontaneous gradient copolymers with block- and gradient-like features
Polym. Chem., 2017, 8, 5023-5032
Yañez-Macias R. ; Kulai I. ; Ulbrich J. ; Yildirim T. ; Sungur P. ; Hoeppener S. ; Guerrero-Santos R. ; Schubert U.S. ; Destarac M. ; Guerrero-Sanchez C. ; Harrisson S.

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