Séminaire par Rabah Boukherroub / IEMN de Lille

Jeudi 14 septembre 2017 - 14h - salle Maroni / MHT
Rabah Boukherroub, chercheur à l'Institut d'Electronique, de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie à Lille, fera une présentation sur le sujet des : Applications of photothermal patches for drug delivery and subcutaneous infection treatment
The controlled release of active principles over long-term periods has been recognized as one of the most promising biomedical technologies for the treatment of certain types of diseases. Medical conditions such as cancer, diabetes and chronic pain require medications that must be dosed intermittently on demand and over a long period of time. To address these issues, intelligent drug delivery systems for on-demand release are highly desirable. On-demand delivery of therapeutics plays an essential role in simplifying and improving patient care. The talk will overview our recent work on using graphene-based patches for controlled photothermal release of drugs under NIR (980 nm) irradiation and for the treatment of subcutaneous wound infections.