Séminaire par Satoshi Nakata

Wednesday 26th June 2019 - 2 am - Maroni Room / MHT

Satoshi Nakata, Graduate School of Integrated Sciences for Life, Hiroshima University, fera une présentation intitulée: "Characteristic motion of a self-organized object based on nonlinearity"

We have investigated simple self-propelled objects which indicate characteristic features of motion depending on the physicochemical environments.  The driving force of motion is the difference in the surface tension around the object.  Nonlinear phenomena, such as oscillation, bifurcation, and synchronization, were reproduced as the characteristic features of motion based on reaction-diffusion kinetics to enhance the autonomy of the object. I would like to talk about (1) mode-bifurcation between oscillatory motion and continuous motion in couple with chemical reactions, (2) reciprocating motion depending on the chemical property of surfactant molecule on water, (3) memory motion depending on the trajectory of motion.  I would like to discuss the relationship between these characteristic motion and physicochemical nonlinearity.  In addition, I would like to discuss how the autonomous system maintains the nonequilbium.


  1. S. Nakata, M. Nagayama, H. Kitahata, N. J. Suematsu, T. Hasegawa, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 17, 10326 (2015).
  2. N. J. Suematsu, S. Nakata, Chemistry A European Journal, 2018, 24, 6308-6324.
  3. S. Nakata, V. Pimienta, I. Lagzi, H. Kitahata, N. J. Suematsu (Eds.), “Self-organized Motion: Physicochemical Design based on Nonlinear Dynamics”, Royal Society of Chemistry, 2019 (Print ISBN: 978-1-78801-166-2, doi.org/10.1039/9781788013499).



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