The gels in the last issue of the "Petit illustré"

The "Petit illustré" is a scientific brochure for the general public, co-published by the CNRS Midi-Pyrénées and the Dépêche du Midi. With different researchers' points of view on a defined topic, its purpose is to highlight the research carried out in the laboratories in Midi-Pyrénées.
This year again, the IMRCP laboratory contributed to the 7th issue which is about complex systems, such as social networks, urban traffic, a fish group or tumor cells, for example.
Written by Christophe Mingotaud, the article entitled "Molécules, organisez-vous et gélifiez !" presents an example of complex systems in which the group dominates over the individual: these are the gels that researchers in the laboratory study to understand and predict their behavior, and then try to control in order to make the innovative materials of the future.